
Maybe its because I am old, or maybe its always been this way and when I was younger I didn’t notice it as much. But yesterday I went out for lunch. I tried to get something as simplistic as possible but I did get bacon on it. Something I stopped eating and I also made homemade meatloaf for dinner. I will try the meatloaf again but no bacon for lunch see if it makes a change. I notice that process foods or food high in sodium cause a weight fluctuation, to go up. There are certain types of foods that I can guarantee will cause me issues, frozen pizza, restaurant foods, potato chips, frozen lasagna, fried food, etc. You get the idea! It’s not about the quantity, I almost immediately see the difference on the scale.

In this journey one of the tools that I love is my fitness pal, I have always really liked that. Another one I used to use when I didn’t use an app, was daily plate on live strong. But what I love most about my fitness pal, at the end of the day, if you click the button complete your day. It will show you where you will be in five weeks if you have days like this. It gives you hope when sometimes you are not seeing a lot of results on the day to day. It goes to show that consistency in your habits will make changes to your body.

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