And I finally broke out of the 150s! 149.4 LBs

I am here to celebrate. I looked back through my blog posts and journey and I am here to post what I am currently doing and my exciting achievement! This morning somehow I weighed in at 149.4 lbs even on a work night! I have never been a fan of fad diets because I always thought you needed to have balance and be able to enjoy the foods you like, and you know because a calorie is a calories but well it turns out its not. There are foods that hijack your hormones and make it very difficult to lose weight. And maybe that isn’t the exact science term for what happens but all I know is that I have been working hard to lose weight for the past 9 months and it wasn’t until I had been eating what is defined as the “healthy keto” for the past four months that I finally started to see the scale move. It started out as I me thinking I needed to lose weight fast; I am going keto. Then it moved to me learning from a cardio doctor that I should be avoiding foods high in sugar, try to only eat 1 ingredient foods (broccoli, steak, chicken, etc.). I have found the more I avoid these chemical list foods the more they bother me when I eat them (like hulk smash irritable). I am definitely not perfect about this I eat dark chocolate at night time still. I’d ideally like to lose 9.4 more lbs and that would be a great weight for me. On this journey I have found out that I don’t need to count my calories when I eat like this and high fat is the way to go. If I less cheese I am better off too. Steak is great, and eggs too. Its amazing to me I can have 2 eggs, 4oz of steak, butter, salt, and avocado and be full for a long time and the scale goes down. I don’t feel like I am living a fad diet, I feel like I am making a choice to eat foods that are whole instead of calorie counting. I am trying to not eat as much on the sugar side but still do (dark chocolate, and fruits like bananas and oranges). I really can’t believe I finally broke through the 150s, it’s been since 2017 since I have seen that! And wow that’s way longer ago than it seems. I have been walking and trying to lift weights to build muscle I have been a little bit off the past three weeks (ya and I have still lost). I will keep doing what I am doing what I am doing. It’s been 9 months since I started this journey. About five months since I have been doing the “keto” life. And I don’t know that I really consider myself to be “keto” as much I think more on the whole foods side and eating high fat. I feel pretty strongly that the processed foods that the culprit in how slow and painful weight loss has always been for me. I’d literally be starving at night and have to count ever single calorie. Now at night if I am hungry I just have an orange, some nuts, or tea. I eat when I am hungry and try to focus on foods that high in fat and 1 ingredient. My stomach still has fat and that has been really slow to come off, I am hoping to see a difference in that soon. I will keep at it.

FALSE: Calories is a calorie

I have been reading the book the calorie myth. And I am so reluctant to believe it. I am holding onto my calorie counter hardcore. This idea has been ingrained in us for our entire lives. But what if its true. What if the calories are bs? This utterly confuses my brain. I was living on 1200 or less calories for MONTHS and MONTHS. What if its about eating whole foods that are without chemicals and your body will naturally slim down over time? It seems that fasting is helpful. And I have been eating very filling meals with steak and avocado and veggies and eggs. And I feel full for long periods of time. Like so full I don’t care about dessert but end up eating something out of habit. How is this? So when you have 250 calories of steak, and 250 calories of cupcake, the steak will fill you and feed your body. What if it made my brain function better and my blood pressure go down? I am going to try harder to cut out the sugar. I am going to use Miss Molly’s swerve carnivore ice cream recipe and hope for the best! I am excited about trying it out.

In other news I have two interviews today. I am blown away by this since its been such a hard time even getting a meeting. I am going to do my best and hope for good things. Traveling does not appeal to me either way but I’ll put my best foot forward.

Strangest thing has happened to me

Since September of 23 I have been trying to lose weight my goal is 145 to 135 lbs. I was around 156 when I found out I had high blood pressure and I dropped down 2 lbs which my diet changes but I had been fluctuating around 152-153 for a long time. I recently increase my fat intake but I have also been taking this new supplement for liver health and the scale quickly moved from 153 to 150. I have never seen weight come off me that fast. I wonder if there is something to the high fat diet that is legit and repairing my body?? Could that be an actual thing? The stuff I read says yes. Its crazy because I always thought it was a fad diet and hated the idea of it. I thought eating high meat and no carbs is …. well not sustainable why the heck not? I love what I am eating. I get to salt my food! I enjoy what I am eating, its satiating! I have been stuffed this week too. And I weigh less. I am mind blown. I will keep testing this out and keep you posted.