Checking in for me…

I had a horrible cold and it dragged on for three weeks, it totally threw me off my focused mode of diet and exercise. So here I am, accountable for me and my lack of commitment to me. You fall off the wagon and then from there its “one thing” after another that causes you not to get back on task. First it was very important job interview LAST MONDAY that I had spent a lot of time prepping for. Then over the weekend I had a project to complete and though I did a good a job it was NOT good ENOUGH because it was missing some elements. So here I am feeling bloated and unhealthy. Feeling sad. I want to get back to my diet and exercise and lose the last 15 pounds that are sitting mostly on my waist. I already know the KEY to my success if being accountable for my calories, scale number and my measurements. That is the KEY for me to be successful. I didn’t count calories yet today. But I will exercise! I will get on the scale tomorrow and move forward in this positive direction because this is what I want for myself. No one is perfect.  My health and body is important. Its not about being “skinny” its about being healthy, confident and looking good in my clothes. Here I am – checking in for me!

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